Why “Windmill?”

First generation Windmill Winder. (No longer available.)
These original watchwinders we’ve sold for many years, as shown, were all hand made by a master watchmaker in Germany and sold in the U.S. exclusively by our company. The solid wood housing (in different woods and colors) for the motor and spokes with arms were hand crafted by a fine cabinet maker in small quantities. These watchwinders at first carried no recognizable name for any user, consumer or watchmaker.
I thought about an appropriate name with which to easily identify these great winders. With the spokes rotating 360 degrees in an “X” shape the image conjured in my mind was that of a “windmill” used to generate power from the wind. As a young child I was smitten by photos in storybooks of various windmills located mostly in the countrysides of Europe.
Though I’ve seen many pictures of different shape windmills I just didn’t find one photo that inspired me as much as the following one I came across taken by Pete Saunders which he posted on a photography forum in September ‘07:

Second generation Windmill Winder.
I contacted Pete about obtaining written permission to post his photo on our company website and he graciously consented this honor. The photo certainly depicts a powerful and dramatic image which demonstrates a time-honored smooth source of energy.
The original solid wood ‘Windmill’ watch winders have been discontinued by now as they have become more expensive to produce. The newer generation ‘Windmill’ winders we currently sell are made of solid aluminum and the spokes rotate and revolve in the same manner as the original. Thus the name WINDMILL very much still applies as before.
Jack Freedman
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